How Equal Opportunity Schools is approaching using AI to increase efficiency while preserving equity and impact.
A Leader in Technology for Education Puts Artificial Intelligence into Practice
Learn about Digital Promise’s work to design an AI-powered recommendation engine and how the organization has come to view AI as as an essential element of its equity strategy.
Improving Career Readiness Through Evidence Use in Baltimore City Public Schools
Strengthening career readiness programming in Baltimore City Public Schools to improve all students’ academic and career opportunities.
A Multi-Year Evidence Building Partnership: The Duke Endowment Summer Literacy Initiative
Closing the gap on summer reading loss for underserved students in rural North Carolina using an evidence-based approach.
An Actionable Data System Approach at City Connects
Leveraging data to provide supports to students in high-poverty urban schools facing out-of-school challenges.
A Researcher-Practitioner Partnership: Vermont’s Universal Prekindergarten System
Informing state policy decisions through actionable research evidence based on a collaborative research process.
Examining the Impact of Family Playlists Through Short-Cycle RCTs: PowerMyLearning
Inviting families into the homework process and empowering students to learn by teaching their family members through interactive digital learning assignments.
Lessons from a Minnesota Networked Improvement Community
Testing evidence-based strategies to address challenges to high school completion.