A Q&A with Equitable Outcomes Wallet technical assistance (TA) partner Dr. Blake Noel, founder of Esnamzen Consulting, discussing his journey, insights, and the value of TA in the nonprofit sector.
Insights from an Equitable Outcomes Wallet Technical Assistance Partner
A Q&A with Dr. Sara Plachta Elliott, Equitable Outcomes Wallet technical assistance (TA) partner, on her insights from a 20+ year career in community-based research and evaluation, nonprofit leadership, and the importance of TA in the nonprofit sector.
Project Evident Announces Inaugural Reimagining Resource Allocation: An Approach to Improvement Workshop in Austin, Texas
Project Evident’s Education Agency Practice announced that it will host its inaugural Reimagining Resource Allocation: An Approach to Improvement workshop, a new opportunity for education leaders to strengthen their ability to review data, design solutions, and strategically allocate resources to improve student outcomes.