
Using Data for More Equitable CTE Outcomes

How Baltimore City Public Schools leveraged data and evidence in order to develop stronger and more equitable Career and Technical Education (CTE) outcomes for students.

In 2019, Baltimore City Public Schools launched an initiative to review its career and technical education (CTE) programming with the goal of strengthening its offerings and alignment with employment opportunities. Project Evident served as a research partner, evaluating the alignment of current CTE programs with in-demand, living-wage jobs in the region, trends in student demand and success, and gaps and opportunities around equitable access for students. 

This webinar discusses City Schools’ evidence-informed approach to CTE that has resulted in the reallocation of significant financial and human resources to improve Baltimore students’ future educational and employment readiness. Panelists discuss how the City Schools team:

  • Operationalized and implemented the work to maximize existing resources.
  • Overcame key obstacles such as contracting, data sharing, data quality, and an evolving scope of work.
  • Ensured equity in student access to training and supports.

Kumasi Vines, Director, Career Readiness, Baltimore City Public Schools

Sara K. Cooper, Senior Associate for Economic Opportunity, Baltimore Civic Site, Annie E. Casey Foundation

Bi Vuong, Managing Director, Education Agency Practice, Project Evident

Kelly Fitzsimmons, Founder and Chief Executive, Project Evident (Moderator)