Project Evident Update
Making Wise Decisions: A Data Resource for Practitioners

Project Evident is delighted to announce our partnership with Making Wise Decisions, a project of the SH Cowell Foundation.
Developed by B3 Consults and Public Profit, the Making Wise Decisions toolkit is a series of resources meant to assist small to mid-sized nonprofit organizations with choosing and implementing the data tools they will need to be most effective as they serve their communities.
Over the next few months, we will be working closely with Making Wise Decisions to fully integrate these tools into the Project Evident website, and look forward to offering practitioners an easy way to navigate and intuitive method to expand and improve their evidence building capabilities.
To review the Making Wise Decisions toolkit, click here.
As a first step, Project Evident’s Gregor Thomas and B3 Consults’ Betsy Block have filmed a video designed for practitioners who need help choosing reporting methods vs. databases. You can watch the video by clicking here.
We believe this partnership will benefit the practitioners we serve and help them to develop and plan for data sourcing in a way that takes into account size, scale, budget and skill set.