How the Camden Promise Neighborhood Initiative established a data-driven culture with and among partners.
A Researcher-Practitioner Partnership: Vermont’s Universal Prekindergarten System
Informing state policy decisions through actionable research evidence based on a collaborative research process.
Early-Stage Evaluation of a Program: Toronto’s Community Healing Project
A participant-centered evaluation partnership focused on a peer-based approach to addressing the impact of exposure to violence on youth and their communities.
Expanding Evidence across a Network: HealthySteps
HealthySteps, a program of ZERO TO THREE, embeds a child development professional in pediatric primary care settings to provide families with the guidance, support, and resources needed to ensure that all children are able to thrive in school and life. HealthySteps serves over 36,000 children annually across more than 100 sites nationally. HealthySteps engaged with…
Building a Robust Evidence Base: AppleTree
AppleTree’s mission is to close the achievement gap for disadvantaged children before they enter kindergarten by providing 3 and 4-year olds with the social, emotional, and cognitive foundations that enable them to thrive in school. AppleTree seeks to help every child graduate Pre-K ready for Kindergarten, and graduate Kindergarten ready for school. AppleTree sought to…
Scaling Programs and Geographic Reach: ParentCorps
ParentCorps partners with early education systems to enhance Pre-K programs in historically disinvested neighborhoods by placing racial equity and the voices of people of color at the center of intervention and evaluation initiatives. Over the past 15 years, the program has built a robust model and evidence base that have led to demand for…